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Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Tailored solutions for hungry businesses looking to increase profits with meaningful social media campaigns that convert.

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Social Media Marketing Brisbane

Social Media Ads Brisbane, what is it and why it's important

Peke Media delivers bespoke social media strategies for enterprises in Brisbane and throughout Australia. Designed to boost online presence precisely for the local audience, this approach ensures that when Brisbane residents search for a product or service, they can easily find it. Through tailored social media Brisbane services, businesses in the city stand a better chance of standing out and capturing attention but most importantly, converting.

The future of Social Media Ads in Australia

Brisbane’s digital frontier is expanding, and with it, the realm of social media is transforming. With more of Brisbane’s tech-conscious residents engaging online, the future of its social media scene is set for vibrant change and progression. New platforms and shifting user trends will dictate the journey, urging businesses to merge tried-and-true tactics with innovative strategies. Brisbane’s social media sunrise awaits.

Which social platforms does Peke utilise?

Peke’s spans all social platforms, from Facebook’s expansive community to Instagram’s visual storytelling, and from TikTok’s dynamic short-video allure to LinkedIn’s professional network and Twitter’s real-time conversations, Peke seamlessly integrates brands into the digital fabric of today. By leveraging the unique strengths of each platform, Peke crafts tailored strategies, driving engagement and fostering brand-audience relationships that convert.

How do I get my business noticed?

To get noticed on social media, focus on understanding your target audience, creating consistent, high-quality content, engaging actively with your community, utilising targeted advertising, leveraging trends and hashtags, collaborating with influencers, and regularly analysing and adapting your strategy for optimal impact. Remember, continuously test because user habits and trends change, and you need to keep up!

Watch your business grow with
Social Media Management

Our Social Media Specialists love what they do

We’re a social media advertising agency that’s unyieldingly driven by performance and impactful outcomes. Just as social media experts value “engagement, reach, and resonance,” we’re all about “results” Every dollar entrusted with us isn’t merely used—it’s tactically leveraged to magnify returns. Like the nuanced craftsmanship behind crafting compelling social media ads, from content visuals to audience targeting, our broader advertising approach is both holistic and pinpointed.


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Nearly a decade of industry experience

For close to ten years, we’ve charted the ever-evolving realm of social media advertising. It’s not just about the time spent, but the wealth of experiences and victories we’ve amassed. Like Brisbane’s iconic spots, our achievements mirror our commitment to localised social media campaigns. Our veteran squad, refined by changing digital waves, delivers unparalleled industry acumen. Throughout this odyssey, we’ve been more than just participants; we’ve been trailblazers, steering businesses in the digital spectrum. And trust us, our narrative is far from over

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But, are Social Media Ads right for your business?

Let's find out

Many construction businesses grapple with a pressing question: Is social media right for my construction business?

With platforms flooded with diverse industries, where does construction fit within the landscape of social media ads management? The answer lies in the modern way potential clients engage and seek out services.

A strategic approach to social media management can set your construction business apart. While it’s more traditional to showcase construction portfolios through direct pitches or on-site visits, imagine the potential of visual platforms like Instagram showcasing timelapses of your projects or Facebook ads targeting Brisbane locals seeking “trusted construction services”. With a specialised social media ads agency Brisbane construction businesses can craft compelling narratives, spotlighting their most notable builds and solutions.

Peke’s Brisbane-based team understands the construction landscape inside and out. We offer premier social media management services, focusing on leveraging the strengths of construction businesses. Beyond just the usual posts, we integrate innovative social media ads management strategies, ensuring your construction stories resonate with the right audience. The power of platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn for B2B networking shouldn’t be underestimated in the construction domain.

To put it succinctly, digital presence is paramount, social media isn’t just right but essential for construction businesses. Tailored ads, targeted campaigns, and dynamic content can amplify your reach, building bridges to potential clients and collaborators. Partner with Peke, a leading social media ads agency in Brisbane, to cement your construction business’s digital foundation.

SEO for construction

Utilising social media ads management in Brisbane is paramount to position your online store directly in the sightline of ready-to-purchase customers. With online shopping behaviours leaning heavily towards research before buying, social media management tailored for e-commerce can drastically heighten your visibility, ensuring customers find you during their decisive moments.

Peke Media is not just another social media ads agency in Brisbane; we are experts who truly understand the e-commerce landscape. Every product you list, every promotional campaign you run, has potential sales waiting to be unlocked. Our specialised team takes a deep dive to understand your catalog, discerning the buying patterns of your audience, and the unique value propositions you offer. Equipped with this knowledge, we fine-tune a social media ads strategy that places your store at the forefront, captivating the Brisbane audience and beyond.

In the ever-evolving e-commerce universe, where myriad stores vie for attention, standing distinctively is not just a goal, but a necessity. Peke’s expertise in social media ads management is geared to ensure your e-commerce platform isn’t lost in the digital shuffle but stands as a beacon for Brisbane’s digital shoppers.


Social Media for the Health sector demands a cohesive social media ads management strategy to foster genuine connections with patients and individuals seeking healthcare advice. As Brisbane residents increasingly turn to social media platforms for health insights, recommendations, and to explore healthcare services, your health enterprise needs to be at the forefront, offering timely and trustworthy information.

But effective social media management for the health sector isn’t merely about being seen. It’s about engaging authentically, showcasing your medical expertise, and crafting relatable health content. With numerous individuals relying on social platforms to make health decisions, the blend of relatable content with the right social media ads agency in Brisbane can make all the difference in building trust and outreach.

Partnering with Peke ensures your health-related services resonate well on social media platforms. Our dedicated team, well-versed in social media ads management, delves into understanding the nuances of the health sector, current wellness trends, and the unique challenges faced by Brisbane residents. With these insights, we curate a tailored social media strategy designed to position your health services as both a beacon of expertise and a pillar of trust in Brisbane’s bustling health community.

In the critical realm of health, where every online interaction could impact someone’s well-being, let our social media management expertise guide your health establishment to be the go-to resource for Brisbane’s residents.

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Amidst the myriad of industries dominating social media platforms, positioning professional services effectively requires astute social media ads management. Remember, today’s clientele, be it businesses or individuals, often begin their search for services online.

Harnessing the power of social media management can differentiate your professional services from others. Instead of relying solely on traditional networking or referrals, envision the impact of LinkedIn articles that highlight your expertise or Facebook ads that resonate with Brisbane businesses seeking “expert professional services.” Through the right social media ads agency in Brisbane, professional services can craft impactful narratives, establishing thought leadership and credibility.

Peke’s Brisbane-centric team is deeply rooted in understanding the unique needs of professional service firms. Offering top-tier social media management, our focus is on elevating the distinct value propositions of such services. More than just crafting posts, we employ innovative social media ads management techniques, ensuring your services connect meaningfully with the target audience. Platforms like LinkedIn are indispensable for fostering B2B connections in the professional services realm.

In summary, a robust digital presence isn’t merely beneficial; it’s vital for professional services in today’s digital age. Through curated ads, targeted campaigns, and engaging content, your firm’s reach can be amplified, attracting potential clients and partnerships. Collaborate with Peke, a frontrunner social media ads agency in Brisbane, to bolster your professional service firm’s digital influence.

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With countless individuals and businesses in Brisbane and throughout Australia scouring platforms to find reliable software solutions, ensuring your software brand’s message cuts through the noise is imperative. Whether they’re searching for tools to boost productivity, enhance security, or provide entertainment, the digital realm of social media ads management is the playground.

But social media management for software companies is not just about creating visibility. It’s about framing your software as the definitive answer to modern challenges, accentuating your technological expertise, and asserting your brand as a trendsetter. In an environment where most software discoveries stem from a social media scroll, a strategic approach to social media advertising could spell the difference between a successful conversion and a missed connection.

Partnering with Peke, the distinguished social media ads agency Brisbane trusts, ensures your software brand is vividly and accurately represented. We collaborate with you, delving into the unique capabilities of your software, understanding the obstacles your target audience grapples with, and the distinct solutions you offer. Armed with this insight, we develop a pinpointed social media management strategy, elevating your online footprint and broadcasting your software’s unique benefits.

In the fluid arena of software discovery, where decisions are often influenced by compelling social media content, your brand’s digital strategy must be both persuasive and proactive. Through Peke’s expert social media ads management, your software brand is poised to captivate and convert, connecting with Brisbane’s software seekers in meaningful, memorable ways.

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Ready to start the ascent?
Let's make it happen 🚀

Advanced strategies meet meticulous service and attention to detail. 
Our Brisbane Social Media Specialists have what it takes to grow your traffic and increase your business revenue. Get in touch to improve your Socials today.

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Why we are different from your last
Social Media Agency?

ROI Driven
Every decision we make is based on getting you the maximum return on investment. You make money, we make money. We are in this for the long term.

Industry Leading Client to Strategist Ratio 
We only take on a select number of clients each year. This is by design, so we can uphold our extreme level of client service and results.

Cutting Edge Strategies 
Digital Marketing in Brisbane has changed. So this means strategies need to change too. Peke ensure we are at the cutting edge of advancements.

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Your Social Media Marketing Agency

At Peke, we’re more than just a social media management company in Brisbane. We’re pioneers, consistently at the cutting edge of the latest digital innovations.

With AI now part of our toolkit, Brisbane’s leading social media management firm, Peke, can:

Predict User Interests: Leveraging AI’s advanced algorithms, we analyse extensive datasets to predict evolving trends and user inclinations. This enables us to tailor our social media strategies to resonate deeply with our audience, driving enhanced engagement.

Optimise Social Media Strategies: AI’s precision allows for the fine-tuning of our social media approaches in real-time. This ensures every action is calibrated for optimal impact, avoiding waste of resources on ineffective tactics.

Enhance Content Customisation: AI aids in crafting highly personalised content. From dynamic updates to meticulously designed posts, AI helps ensure that every piece of content feels uniquely relevant to each user.


Lets talk marketing!

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📱 +61 431 311 633


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Address: 13 Byres St, Newstead QLD 4006

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📍 13 Byres St, Newstead QLD 4006

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