Terms and Conditions

If you have questions, please contact us

Peke Media Terms.

Subscription & Fixed Term (3,6 & 12 month minimum term) for Clients

Please review these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”, “T&C”) thoroughly before navigating the peke.com.au website managed by Peke Media Pty Ltd (“our team”, “we”, “our”). Your utilization of the Service is contingent upon your acknowledgment of and adherence to these Terms. These Terms are applicable to all guests, users, and others who access or utilize the Service.

By selecting the ‘I acknowledge & accept the terms & conditions’ checkbox on our website during registration, you are legally committing to the Terms & Conditions detailed in these documents.

Legal Agreement

This agreement will be a binding agreement between the Client and Peke Media Pty Ltd. This Agreement will represent the complete understanding between the Client and Peke Media Pty Ltd concerning the Services and the subscription agreement, excluding any client terms and conditions (including on any purchase order or other client document) unless confirmed in writing by Peke Media Pty Ltd.

Payments & Purchases

Upon registration, the initial setup fee will be directly billed to your credit card. Our services will only begin after successful charging of your chosen payment method. The initial setup fee is strictly non-refundable.

Subscription Clients

Peke Media’s Services are invoiced on a subscription model (“Subscription(s)”). Billing will occur in arrears on a recurring payment schedule, 7 days post sign-up date. Peke Media Pty Ltd will automatically bill your designated credit card weekly for our weekly management fee unless an alternate arrangement has been mutually agreed upon in writing.

Peke Media Pty Ltd retains the right to seek a debt collector and legal counsel at your cost if any invoices remain unpaid after 7 days. Unsettled debts will be subject to the highest permissible penalty rate.

Fixed Term Agreement (3,6 & 12 month minimum durations)

Peke Media’s Services are invoiced in arrears on a recurring payment schedule, 7 days post sign-up date from your authorized card. Your Fixed term Agreement (3, 6, or 12 Month minimum duration) will auto-renew on the term date unless Peke Media is informed of your intent to terminate before the end of your minimum term. During the fixed term, clients cannot halt management with Peke Media Pty Ltd unless a unique agreement is established in writing.

Pausing Peke Media Management (Excluding Fixed Term Agreement/ Minimum term Clients)

To halt your management with Peke Media Pty Ltd, a 1-week notice via email is mandatory. The maximum pause duration is 4 weeks unless an alternative arrangement is established in writing. All paused clients will have a restart date as discussed with the client manager during the pause request. At the pause period’s conclusion, a Peke Media Pty Ltd representative will reach out to the client to resume the service. If the client no longer requires Peke Media Pty Ltd services for any reason, a 4-week cancellation fee will be billed. If Peke Media Pty Ltd cannot contact the client when the service is supposed to resume, the client’s service will be terminated, an email notification will be sent, and a 4-week cancellation fee will be charged.

Service Termination (Subscription client)

To cancel/terminate your Peke Media management service, please notify us in writing. We mandate 4 full weeks’ notice, during which 4 full weekly payments will be billed. We will continue to serve you during this 4-week period until the Agreement is fully concluded. Upon service termination, any outstanding amounts must be settled within 7 days. Peke Media Pty Ltd retains the right to seek a debt collector and legal counsel at your cost if any invoices remain unpaid after 7 days. Unsettled debts will be subject to the highest permissible penalty rate.

Service Termination (Fixed term clients – 3,6,9 & 12 months)

To cancel/terminate your Peke Media management service before the end of your fixed term, the remainder of your minimum term with Peke Media Pty Ltd must be paid in full. This communication must be in writing. Upon service termination, any outstanding amounts must be settled within 7 days from the cancellation date. Peke Media Pty Ltd retains the right to seek a debt collector and legal counsel at your cost if any invoices remain unpaid after 7 days. Unsettled debts will be subject to the highest permissible penalty rate. Your marketing expenses are separate from our management fee and are directly paid to the relevant entities. Terminating our services does not end your account with third parties; it’s your responsibility to manage this.

Sub-minimum terming

Peke Media Pty Ltd reserves the right to employ/hire a sub-minimum termor (company or individual) for client work production at our sole discretion.

Advertising Management Service T&C’s Google Ads

While Peke Media Pty Ltd oversees your Google Ads account, the following terms and conditions are applicable: – By entering this Agreement with Peke Media Pty Ltd, you grant us access to your Google Ads account for copying, optimization, and management purposes. Peke Media Pty Ltd will aim to set up your Ads accounts promptly, but in some instances, it might take up to 5-7 days for complete setup, especially if the client is unreachable. We might create a Google Ads account for you, including Google analytics if needed (Ads Account); You will have read-only access to the Ads Account during the Agreement. Post-termination, access will be revoked. Peke Media owns all intellectual property in content associated with the Ads Service. If you opt to cancel our management services, the remainder of your minimum term with us must be settled within 7 days. Otherwise, your Agreement will auto-renew unless Peke Media Pty Ltd is informed of your intent to terminate before the end of your minimum term. Peke Media Pty Ltd’s Management service is distinct from Google Ads’ “per click” fees. Canceling your management doesn’t automatically halt your Google Ads, which might still incur “per click” fees. You are solely responsible for all Google charges. Peke Media Pty Ltd won’t be held accountable for any amounts Google bills you during or post-management.

Please note
(a) Peke Media Pty Ltd is distinct from Google, Google Ads, Facebook/ Instagram, Yahoo, or Bing. (b) Peke Media Pty Ltd is affiliated with Google as a “Google Certified Partner”. Despite this affiliation, Peke Media Pty Ltd operates as a separate entity from Google. Peke Media Pty Ltd will strive to assist you in achieving your online advertising objectives by offering advice, information, and technical services related to Search Engine advertising/marketing. Unless explicitly stated in this Agreement, Peke Media Pty Ltd doesn’t guarantee any specific return or performance from online advertising on Google Ads. We aren’t responsible for commercial outcomes linked to the Internet marketing or management of your Google Ads account. Peke Media Pty Ltd offers a competitively priced internet marketing service. We aren’t insuring or underwriting your chosen business model. You acknowledge that internet services can experience technical disruptions. To the maximum extent permitted by law:- (a) Peke Media Pty Ltd won’t be liable for fines, penalties, taxes, damages, losses, or legal costs and expenses. These Terms and Conditions can be updated by Peke Media Pty Ltd at any time. You agree to remain bound by these modified Terms. We will post the updated Terms on our website without separate notifications.


Peke Media Pty Ltd doesn’t take responsibility for replying to messages/comments or engaging with followers on client Facebook pages. In collaboration with the client, Peke Media Pty Ltd will design & launch ads targeting specific audiences, with costs per click/view borne by the client. Facebook operates as a separate entity from Peke Media Pty Ltd, and all expenses incurred within Facebook are the client’s responsibility.

Landing Pages

All landing pages remain the property of Peke Media Pty Ltd. Peke Media’s Landing Pages are included in select packages and can also be availed for an additional fee with Peke Media Pty Ltd. Should you decide to cancel/terminate your service with Peke Media, the landing page will be deactivated within 14 days from the cancellation date. If you wish to continue using the landing page provided by Peke Media, a weekly hosting fee of $19 will be applied.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) Service

This agreement is established between Peke Media Pty Ltd (referred to as “we”, “us”, “SEO”, “our”) and you (referred to as “Client/subscriber”). Peke Media Pty Ltd commits to providing the client with Search Engine Optimisation (referred to as “SEO”, “Optimised Content Marketing”). We are authorized to use specific keywords and/or phrases to enhance the organic visibility of the Client’s site(s) on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo & other Search Engines). Peke Media Pty Ltd will strive to deliver the Service within a reasonable timeframe. Peke Media Pty Ltd is not accountable for any delays.

Subject to the following and any express restrictions in our Offer, we will provide Services to optimize your website (SEO Service), in line with the performance guarantee and timeframe specified in our Offer (SEO Guarantee). We guarantee to rank at least one keyword group consisting of 5 key phrases. If we don’t achieve the SEO Guarantee within the specified timeframe, we will continue to provide the SEO Service without additional charges until the guarantee is met. You acknowledge that:


    • The duration of the SEO Service is month-to-month.

    • The SEO Guarantee is void if: a. a new domain is implemented without redirecting the existing domain; b. you alter or remove the “on-page” optimization work done by us; c. the SEO Guarantee starts when “on-page” optimization is complete; d. We don’t guarantee any specific increase in your sales or business activity; e. you won’t hold us liable for any losses arising from the SEO Service; f. SEO Service is influenced by factors beyond our control, which might affect your website’s ranking or overall SEO performance.

Definition of SEO

SEO stands for search engine optimization, a set of strategies and tactics used to boost a website’s visitor count by securing a high-ranking spot on a search engine’s results page. SEO does not encompass web design or website modifications. These services are available at an additional cost.

Disclaimer of Warranties

While Peke Media strives to achieve the highest possible rankings on search engines, we don’t guarantee top placements. The client acknowledges that website rankings can fluctuate for various reasons. If rankings decline, Peke Media Pty Ltd will not be held responsible, and no refunds or discounts will be provided. Peke Media Pty Ltd is not accountable for changes made to the website by other parties that negatively impact the site’s search engine rankings. We also don’t guarantee that SEO will lead to increased sales or business activity. The client agrees to provide Peke Media Pty Ltd with all necessary access to website-related information for timely SEO execution.

Payment Terms

An initial setup fee is required for SEO, and work will commence only after successful payment. Subsequent charges will be made to your nominated card 7 days later on a subscription basis. This payment continues until you notify Peke Media Pty Ltd of your intent to cancel.

Termination of Services For both Google Ads and SEO Services

You must notify Peke Media Pty Ltd via phone or email if you wish to cancel. Specific notice periods apply for each service. Peke Media Pty Ltd will continue to provide services during the notice period, given access to all relevant accounts. Unpaid invoices overdue by 7 days may result in engagement of a debt collector and legal counsel at your expense.

Web Design

You acknowledge that you are bound by the terms & conditions outlined in this document with Peke Media Pty Ltd. Peke Media Pty Ltd will only undertake work where an agreement is formed, either by email or phone. Various terms apply, including payment terms, responsibilities, and liabilities.

Changes to T&C’s & Pricing

Peke Media Pty Ltd can modify these Terms & Conditions and pricing at any time. You agree to remain bound by these modified terms. Updated terms will be posted on our website without separate notifications.

Contact Us

For any queries regarding these Terms, please reach out to us promptly.

Our Office

Address: 13 Byres St, Newstead QLD 4006

Get in Touch


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Powerful Marketing Solutions


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Google Advertising

Google Ads Brisbane

SEO Brisbane

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Social Media Ads

Social media marketing


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Our Office

📍 13 Byres St, Newstead QLD 4006

Get in Touch

📱 0431311633